Iodine (I) - horses

Iodine is used for the formation of the thyroid hormone which regulates the metabolism, which is important for the nervous system and is necessary for the maintenance of healthy hooves, skin and coat. Especially during pregnancy, a shortage or excess of iodine can affect the unborn foal. In case of a deficiency, the mare can show an abnormal oestrus cycle, which can have consequences for the foal. A deficiency in foals can manifest itself in an enlarged thyroid gland, weakness, persistent hypothermia, respiratory distress, OCD, coarse hair, slow shedding, lethargy and high neonatal mortality. In addition, there is a higher susceptibility to infectious diseases and respiratory infections. Feeing an excess of 300-400 mg of iodine per day to the mare can have infertility and abortion as a result. A daily intake of more than 100 mg of iodine, the foal may experience weakness, lethargy, high neonatal mortality, poor muscle development and long bone abnormalities. Iodine can mainly be found in algae such as seaweed.