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Accurately analysing forage can unlock ways to improve yield by optimising animal nutrition, and Forage Manager is the key that provides the levels of detail every farm needs to maximise yield from forage.

Forage Manager provides data for common indicators of forage quality such as dry matter and energy but also goes deeper to offer greater insight. The easy to interpret reports also offer target values to help improve nutritional efficiency.

Gathering data

There are factors beyond any farm’s control, like the weather, rules on fertilisation and climate change. This makes gathering quality data, to make informed decisions, even more important. Forage Manager analyses the factors you can control and provides the insight to help make positive changes that can increase yields.

Forage Manager reports present forage analysis to answer the following questions:

  • What are the main characteristics of my forage?
  • What is the nutritional value for my cow?
  • What is the fibrous content of my forage?
  • What is the carbohydrate of my forage?
  • What is the preservation of my forage?
  • What is the mineral and trace content of my forage?
  • What is the rumen character of my forage?


Forage Manager contains:
Basic Energy
Feed Evaluation
Carbohydrate and protein
Acids and sugar


  • N-Index
  • S-Index
  • Preservation Index
  • Overheating Index
Minerals and trace elements
Rumen Character