Fertilization recommendations optimized

21 November 2022 - Fertilization Manager

Eurofins has optimized the fertilization recommendations in a number of its analytical reports, including the complete soil analysis Fertilization Manager. The advice has been divided into soil-based and crop-based recommendations for a wide range of sectors including arable farming, livestock farming, (fruit) tree nurseries, sports and recreation fields. The soil analysis has been adapted based on new insights gained from research, resulting in more accurate fertilization recommendations.

The Fertilization Manager analysis report provides insight into the overall condition of the soil, including its chemical, physical and biological properties.  Based on this data, better and more accurate fertilization recommendations can be given. The recommendations in the limited crop analysis and in the Soil Crop Monitor have also been improved.

The recommendations in the renewed report are divided into soil-based and crop-based advice and have been optimized to suit the actual needs of the soil and the crop. The aim of the soil-based recommendation is to maintain or improve soil fertility. The crop-based recommendation is given as accurate as possible for specific varieties and aims to improve your crop management strategy. As a result, you can make more informed decisions to help improve your soil fertility and produce higher quality crops with an optimum yield.

The crop-based and soil-based recommendations for a number of nutrients have also been improved. This enables more efficient use of (artificial) fertilizers.

Crop-based recommendations for 300 arable and horticultural crops

The crop-based recommendation is displayed as an annual application. It is available for over 300 crops and, if known, also for specific crop varieties. The new recommendation is corrected based on the nutrient reserves already in the soil and how much is released to the crops. The total recommendation can be divided into multiple fertilizer applications during the growing season. These applications can also be adapted during the season using Soil Crop Monitor. This fertilizer analysis by Eurofins provides insight into the nutrients available to the plants and the nutrient uptake by the crop during the growing season.

Maize and grassland

The crop demand is also the basis for the fertilization recommendation for maize grown for silage. The crop-based recommendation for silage maize in rotation or continuous cultivation systems is identical, so there is no need for separate reports. The phosphate advice for silage maize also includes the effect of row fertilization (also described as “placing phosphate in the seedbed”).

The fertilization advice for grassland is also divided into soil-based and crop-based recommendations. The grassland recommendation is shown for four situations (unrestricted grazing, restricted grazing, light mowing and normal mowing) and for the first, second cut and other cuts. In addition to recommendation for cuts of clover and grass, recommendations are now also given for herb-rich grassland.

Soil-based recommendations for soil remediation

The soil-based recommendation is designed to maintain soil nutrient levels and improve the yield potential of the field. The advice consists of annual total recommendations per crop per year for a four-year period. This means the K, Ca and Mg advice is optimized to suit the clay-humus complex (CEC).

The report also includes advice on how to increase the organic matter content of the soil and lime advice based on an optimal pH. This pH value depends on the soil parameters as well as the type of crop.

Sustainable farming

Accurate fertilization is vital and contributes significantly to maintaining soil quality. Healthy soil has an optimal organic matter content, stores carbon, has a balanced soil life, retains water and has a good structure. Soil with good fertility contributes to optimal crop quality and yield. Accurate fertilization is also the basis for the efficient use of (artificial) fertilizers. By introducing updated advice, Eurofins can help you transition to more sustainable farming.