Calcium (Ca) and Phosphor (P) - horses

Calcium and phosphor both are contributing to a strength of the skeleton of the horse by contributing to the structure of the bones. In addition, calcium and phosphor play a role in the stimulus conditions in nerves and muscles and contribute to the function of enzymes and metabolic processes. A deficiency in calcium and phosphorus in the body can lead to incorrect formation of the bones in young horses. For adult horses, a deficiency in calcium or phosphorus can lead to lameness, deformation of the skeleton, bone decalcification and a reduction in the function of the nervous system. Nevertheless, the proportion of calcium and/or phosphorus should not be too high since this could lead to a disruption in bone metabolism and to a deposition of calcium in the vessel walls, kidneys and lungs.

Ca/P ratio

The Ca/P ratio is the amount of calcium in the product relative to the amount of phosphorus in the product. The optimal ratio between calcium and phosphorus for young horses would be 1,5:1 and 2:1 for adult horses.

Equi Feed